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Hipso Likes Books

We love books. Enough to have started an entire publishing company just so we can make books happen from start to... I want to say finish, but the true finish happens your (the reader's) mind. This is a page about pages. A book site about book sightings. Words about words. Hope you enjoy!


Great Review For "Drawing Amanda" on the YA Bookcase

Drawing Amanda FEATURED on Authors On Tour!


Exclusive podcast about 'The Next Big YA Book' by Stephanie Feuer, entitled, "DRAWING AMANDA"

Deal of the MONTH on AMAZON!
Deal of the MONTH on AMAZON!
Oh, words. You never cease to amaze...
Oh, words. You never cease to amaze...
Tell your writer friends!
Tell your writer friends!
For the time being, we're accepting unagented and unsolicited manuscripts!
For the time being, we're accepting unagented and unsolicited manuscripts!


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Jane Austen Celebration Board

On this day in 1811, Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility was published anonymously. Here's a collection of covers, quotes, and anything Austen we admire in celebration of the impact she ended up making on the literary world.

22 Witty Book Set-Up Photos on Buzzfeed

10 Horrible Literary Monsters in Honor of Halloween

Keeping with the Halloween theme, here's a list of the 10 most horrifying monsters in literature. Do you think anyone(thing) has been left out? We know that the Dementors from Harry Potter could easily fit a spot on this list...

You know that old saying, "They're made for each other, like books, coffee, and pugs!" Well..
You know that old saying, "They're made for each other, like books, coffee, and pugs!" Well..
It's HALLOWEEN week! Time to pick up some Steven King, Edgar Allen Poe, Jonathan Maberry, and candy. Lots of candy.
It's HALLOWEEN week! Time to pick up some Steven King, Edgar Allen Poe, Jonathan Maberry, and candy. Lots of candy.
So true so much of the time...
So true so much of the time...